Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Does College Algebra Story Problems Helping Students?

Why Does College Algebra Story Problems Helping Students?College algebra story problems help students who find themselves stuck in the difficulty of a homework assignment. What follows is an explanation of how math problems make homework much easier for most students.The first thing to keep in mind about homework is that it should never be the end of the story. Students should be encouraged to do more than just complete the assignment. In addition to completing the task, they should also learn from the assignment as well as how it can help them to progress toward a future goal.Since math problems are often presented in a very visual manner, it is very easy for students to understand the most effective ways to solve them. It is not as easy to understand them if the solution is done by recalling different algorithms or formulas.Find a simple and short form of the problem. Think of one of the most obvious solutions to the problem. Then get to work on that. Make sure that the solution us ed is not too complicated, but simple enough to have students see how it fits into their conceptual understanding of the problem.Since algebra is a difficult task to learn, many students will naturally want to avoid the difficulties they have to face by doing the most efficient way to do the assignment. If you use this strategy, you can usually trick students into thinking they have solved the problem, but it is not true. They only did one thing-they learned that they could do the best solution to the problem.When students are faced with challenging assignment problems, they are usually looking for a shortcut. They know it is very difficult to solve a problem by visualizing the steps needed, so they turn to algebra. They are basically seeking a formula that they can always refer to when they need the answer.These students do not appreciate the challenge they are facing because they have forgotten the challenging and difficult things that make it so. In college, they are still learni ng the most important things and they are naturally curious about difficult tasks. College algebra story problems help students to make themselves a step ahead of their peers.

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